Non-profit intranet

Uniting not-for-profit workers and volunteers behind your mission

Free Intranet Playbook

People are what make your not-for-profit organization

They're the ones powering and championing your mission. Connect each and every employee, volunteer, and affiliate to your cause with a social intranet, offered at a discounted rate to all not-for-profit organizations by Interact.

Non-profit illustration.
People Directory screenshot.

Connect dispersed workers and volunteers

Bring together your front-line volunteers, office-based workers, affiliates, and even those you work to support. Interact People Directory can be easily searched not only by name and location, but skill, expertise, interests and more. Break down silos and get everyone communicating and collaborating to better support your organization.

Share. Communicate. Celebrate.

Inspire passion in each and every worker or volunteer by communicating who you are, what you do, and what you've achieved. With Interact's simple social tools and rich content areas, all users can share stories or experiences on the blog, post updates, create galleries, and ask questions or share ideas using discussion forums and dedicated team areas.

People Directory screenshot.

Free intranet guide

Plan & deploy a successful intranet with our most popular guide

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